Power in Community Energy Competition

Energy Competition

There's Power in Community.  At least that's our theory!

We all conserve more energy when we know our neighbors are making efforts to reduce their energy use and we have an idea of how much we are using as well as the average consumption of the people around us.  

To test this theory, we invite you to compete in a neighborhood energy saving competition which will make it incredibly easy to track your energy use, compare it to how much you used last year and show you how you are doing compared to your neighbors. 

Neighbors will compete to reduce their energy consumption and there will be winners in two categories – biggest loser and smallest footprint.  We're piloting this experimental competition in Kensington & Windsor Terrace in Brooklyn and after we work out the kinks, we want to scale it up to the rest of the city (think about which neighborhood you want to challenge next!)

All you have to do is grab your Con Ed bill and click on this link:  http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/NYSERDA to enter your neighborhood, zipcode, type of home, number of occupants and appliances and allow us to access your Con Ed account using your account number.  The information will be used only to crunch numbers to figure out and inform you of your energy consumption compared to your neighbors, it will NOT be released to anyone else. You will receive a monthly email with your standing in the competition, energy saving tips from NYSERDA and coupons/special offers for energy saving products. Signing up will not put you on any other NYSERDA email list.

In order to make the competition fun and fair, we need a year’s worth of energy bills from about 100 real households in order to see the actual data trends from month to month. Anyone who pays their own energy bill is eligible to compete. We aren’t offering prizes yet but there will be promotions, and the winner(s) can be featured on the website if they want!

We'll all be winners if our theory proves right that the entire group’s consumption will be reduced by gaining awareness about energy conservation plus a little peer pressure and opportunities to learn from one another.  

You can join our facebook page here.


Contest Rules:

How to enter: To enter the Prospect Park Energy Reduction Competition, you must complete the online survey. One (1) entry per household. All entries must be submitted by February 9, 2010. No responsibility is assumed for lost or misdirected entries.

All registrants to the Prospect Park Energy Reduction Competition must have a valid email address. All registrants must be a direct customer of Consolidated Edison Company of New York (Con Ed). Residents or households who do not pay directly for their own electricity usage are not eligible for this competition. All registrants authorize NYSERDA to access their electricity consumption for the duration of this competition and two (2) years thereafter.

Competition Timeline: Starting February 2010, each month’s energy usage shall be tracked by NYSERDA. The winners will be determined based on their energy usage after 3 months from the competition’s start.

Evaluation and Notification: The electricity usage for each registrant for each month (as determined for each registrant based on their utility meter read and billing date) will be calculated by NYSERDA based on the actual utility bill from Con Edison (as reported for that registrant at Con Edison’s website). The total usage will be divided by the number of occupants in the home to determine the electricity usage per occupant (kWh/person) for each evaluation period. The “Smallest Footprint” will be determined by comparing the kWh/person for the monthly evaluation period among all registrants. The “Biggest Loser” will be determined by subtracting the kWh/person for each evaluation period from the same time period of the previous year.

Each registrant will receive an email from NYSERDA once per month indicating their current usage per person for that period and providing them a ranking comparing them to all other registrants in the competition. The email notification may also include tips and/or information on NYSERDA’s programs and incentives to help the registrant reduce their energy usage in the future.

General: Competition is open to New York Energy $mart Program territory residents who are customers of Consolidated Edison Company of New York, Inc., 18 years of age or older as of the time of entry, except employees (and their immediate family member)of NYSERDA, the State Department of Public Service and their advertising, promotional production